**This app is not officially endorsed or paid for by any campaign or candidate. It was created by people who want to simplify the way Delegate counts are being reported.**The popular media in general has not been accurately, or impartially, reporting the Democratic delegate count during this election cycle. They have been combining the Promised Delegate and Superdelegate totals in an attempt to disenfranchise voters from turning out for Sanders.
The goals of this app are to: i. provide clear information to the American voters in an attempt to ‘cut-thru’ the amount of media-spin that has been prevalent in this latest election cycle,
Inform everyone of the current count broken out between Promised Delegates (based on Primaries and Caucuses) and the Superdelegate count (which is unofficial and not final until their vote is cast during the convention in July). Share the count with your friends on Facebook and Twitter!
ii. enable the American public a more direct line of communication to Dem-Super Delegates so they may voice their opinion on how they should vote in this election cycle’s Democratic Convention.
Allow Sanders supporters to contact Superdelegates within their state to let them know how they feel, and make know their request for the Superdelegates to cast their votes for Sanders.
iii. View the next Primary or Caucus in your state, schedule it to your calendar, (COMING SOON) --> and let your friends know on Facebook and Twitter when you are voting.
You can also contribute to the Sanders Campaign (link will open his official site in an outside browser), and donate to the developers (via Google Play) so we can keep improving the app and keep information flowing to everyone!